Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Overheard in Heaven and at a Maximum Security Prison in Pennsylvania:

"I had a charmed life. I earned a fabulous salary, my death made my family wealthy beyond all reasonable expectations, and the people loved me and believed what I said I stood for. In return, I won a lot of football games and helped a few football players get an education. Who would have thought I'd be tarnished by a little child sexual assault cover-up I participated in and condoned? (And yes, that is EXACTLY what I did, whether you believe it or not, whether you like it or not.) I just don't understand America anymore." 
The late Joe Paterno, former football coach at The Pennsylvania State University.

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"You tell 'em, JoePa! Let he among us who hasn't raped a child in the shower cast the first stone." 

Jerry Sandusky, convicted pedophile/child rapist and former assistant coach at PSU.

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