Thursday, January 31, 2013

Overheard in Alaska and Washington, D.C.:

Sarah Palin

"Now that Fox News has fired me from my $1 million a year job, I guess I'll go hunting. And I guess I'll take a fully automatic weapon with a high-capacity magazine while I'm at it. You betcha! There are a lot of moose outdoors there and we all know what killers they are. They carry weapons, don'tcha know? You gotta use a LOT of bullets. After I bag one, I will drag it back to the trailer park and roast it. By the way, this is my scary face. See the anger and rage? Remember: I own a lot of guns."
Sarah Palin, former mayor, half-term governor of Alaska, unsuccessful candidate for vice president, and Fox News commentator.

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President Barack Obama

"Who is 'shucking and jiving' now, beyotch? Get your white trash ass back to the tundra. Thanks for calling!"
President Barack Obama, who continues to believe you cannot put lipstick on a pig and call it a vice presidential candidate.
Sen. John McCain

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"And just think—she was MY goddam running mate. What in the fuck was I thinking? Now if I had found me a pretty wetback, I might have stood a chance. If I die tomorrow, I will go down in history as the only white presidential candidate to lose to a black. Jeeee-zuhs Christ. I am a POW, for God's sake, and an angry one at that."

 Sen. John McCain of Arizona, unsuccessful candidate for president.

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