Monday, September 9, 2013

Overheard on Fox (really):

Ted Cruz

“All of this malarkey about Syria and its dead babies and children is keeping us from chatting about the really important stuff… like Benghazi. Now that is where we really need to continue to focus our attention.”
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

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Juan Williams
“If you believe there is even one more intelligent thing that can possibly be said about Benghazi or the events that led up to it, you are retarded. SERIOUSLY retarded. That issue is over, done and finished. KAPUT! Get down off that hobby horse NOW! Time to move the fuck on, Jethro!”
Juan Williams, Fox News political analyst
Ted Cruz

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“What the fuck are you saying, Juan? You’re supposed to be on our side. This is Fox, right?”
Sen. Cruz

Juan Williams
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Sometimes, you have to be realistic, Sen. Cruz. Sometimes, a dog turn is just a dog turd and not a sign of the apocalypse.“
Juan Williams

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Karl Rove

“NO, NO, NO! You ARE WRONG. Benghazi is REAL. Look into my eyes, Juan. Look deeply into my eyes and see the light and the truth and the way.”
Karl Rove

Howard Kurtz
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“No, Karl. Some Republicans would like for Benghazi to be a scandal, but it isn’t. It is sad; but a scandal it is not. Some of you GOP’ers are trying to use to derail Hillary Clinton, but you are just not going to use us to make this happen.”
Howard Kurtz, Fox News media critic.

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Brit Hume

“What in the holy name of fuck has gotten into the two of you? Did someone slip you roofies? Have you been hypnotized? Did something crawl up your asses and eat your brains?”
Brit Hume, conservative political commentator and television journalist

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Juan Williams

“Sorry Karl. Sorry Brit. There is no evidence indicating the administration did anything improper and we will not be a party to you trying to harm Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, or whoever—“
Juan Williams

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Karl Rove

“What are you saying Juan? What happened to you? Has a Liberal Witch cast a spell on you? The administration lied about Benghazi! AND YES I AM YELLING NOW, IN CAPITAL LETTERS, BECAUSE I WANT TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE CAN HEAR ME!”
Karl Rove

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Juan Williams

“You can yell all you want, Karl, but that won’t change the truth and it won’t bend reality. Sorry. You are done. Finished. This is not and was never a scandal except in your giant head.”

Juan Williams

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Karl Rove

“Why you little sonuvabitch!”
Karl Rove

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Howard Kurtz

“HEY! This is Fox, Fat Ass! No one is allowed to swear on here except Bill O’Reilly, so cut it out!”
Howard Kurtz

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