Monday, September 9, 2013

Overheard in Syria:

Bashar al-Assad

“I think if there were chemical weapons used in Syria, some of the people who work for me did it without permission. Maybe.”
President Bashar al-Assad

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Barack Obama

“Look. Do you realize how hard it is to believe that ANYTHING goes on in Syria  without you knowing about it? I suspect you have secret spy cams that let you know when people don’t change their socks and underwear and you then arrange for them to be run over, just so they will all disobey their mothers’ warnings and end up at the hospital while wearing unclean underwear.”
President Barack Obama

Bashar al-Assad

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“We do not talk about other people’s underwear here in Syria, you Great White Satan.”
President al-Assad

Barack Obama

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“President al-Assad, look at me. Do I look white to you?”

President Obama

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Bashar al-Assad
 “No, you look tan to me. The 'Great White Satan' thing was something one member of my cabinet said I should throw out there. I told them it was so much stupid, but they insist. I am sorry if I offend you, you imperialistic pig. Here you are a Nobel Peace Prize winner and all you want to do is going around tossing bombs at countries in the Middle East and Africa! What is it we have done to you? We have thrown no bombs at you! We have thrown no chemical weapons in your face! We have not watched you twitch and die! Did you know any of the Syrians who were killed? No, you did not! None of them were on your Pen Pal list. Syria is just one poor country. We cannot defend ourselves from the military might of the United States. Leave us.”

President al-Assad

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Barack Obama

“Oh, give me a break. Stop your whining. Eat your peas. You used chemical weapons on your own citizens Bashar! The world can’t tolerate that!”

President Obama

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Bashar al-Assad

“If you shoot anything at us, just know there will be really big reprisals! We can defeat America, you know. Maybe we will use sarin in your city subways! Or feed sarin to your children through their school lunches! Or maybe I will personally come over there and give you a vicious pinch, Mr. Obama.”
President al-Assad

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Barack Obama

“Come on over, Mr. Nerve Gas. I think I’d like to have you try to pinch me.  I’m a little bit tougher than women and babies, you know, you fucking sand monkey.”
President Obama

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Bashar al-Assad

“Yes, you are tougher than women and babies. But not by much. In Syria, even our fetuses are tough and could probably kick your tanned ass.”
President al-Assad

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