Sunday, September 8, 2013

Overhead on 'This Week':

Ted Cruz

"This is not the time for politics! We shouldn't bomb Syria! Instead, let's force a United Nations Security Council vote!"

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

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George Stephanopoulos

"But China and Russia will vote that down. What would be the point?"

George Stephanopoulos, host of 'This Week'.


Ted Cruz
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"We need to force Russia and China to do it on the record. It will make them look bad."

Sen. Ted Cruz

George Stephanopoulos


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"Oooooh. I am certain they are afraid of that."

George Stephanopoulos


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Ted Cruz

"Of course they are. But in addition to shaming them, we should reopen the missile silo thing in Europe—just to piss of the Russians. And we should sell Taiwan a shitload of weapons because that will make China really really angry."

Sen. Ted Cruz


George Stephanopoulos
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"OK. Yeah, that will really make Russia and China angry, but what will that do to Syria?"

 George Stephanopoulos

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Ted Cruz

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing Who gives a shit about Syria?"

Sen. Ted Cruz


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Ted Cruz

" ... "

Sen. Ted Cruz


George Stephanopoulos
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"Well all right then."

 George Stephanopoulos,

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