Sunday, September 29, 2013

Overheard on 'This Week':

Paul Krugman

"The Republican Caucus has NOT really analyzed the law to truly understand Obamacare, and that is a sad truth. People who do not read, should not be allowed to run the country, and people who just can't read, should just shut the fuck up. And that includes you, Bill Krystal, you mindless maggot, and by the way, what the hell happened to your face? Have you been bobbing for french fries or did they pull your latest face lift so far back that your mouth grew six inches wider and you now look fucking Asian?"

Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize-winning economist, author, 
commentator, professor

Bill Kristol
 - - -

"HA! I laugh openly at everything you say, and I sneer at you and laughON CAMERAwhen you make very valid comments because I am a giant dick."

Bill Kristol, conservative pundit who has never had a single original thought.

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