Saturday, March 30, 2013

Overheard in Hollywood:

"My good friend Charlie Sheen gave me a guest spot on his sitcom, but when I left, I took a whole bunch of stuff with me I apparently wasn't supposed to take. Don't they know who I am? Pawning that stuff will give me one day off from blowing sailors. I need it. Shit! My jaw hurts."

Lindsay Lohan, addict/troubled celebrity/drunken driver/thief

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"Aw come on, Lindsay! Blowing sailors is fun! You don't want to miss a day! If you're not there, who will I throw up with after lunch?"

Paris Hilton, heiress/reality TV star/addict


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"OK. But after we get our drug money for the day—you know, after 30 sailors—let's stop off and give our confessions, OK? We want to avoid the Easter rush."
Lindsay Lohan

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"Remember: I'm hot. Sailors are hot. You're hot. The things you took from Charlie's TV show are hot. Curling irons are hot,  too, so you shouldn't masturbate with them." 
Paris Hilton

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