Friday, March 29, 2013

Overheard on the Airwaves:

Bill )'Reilly

"We love the gay marriage idea. Absolutely. America now supports it and so do we, though I think I supported it first."

Bill O'Reilly, author, and host of  The O'Reilly Factor on Fox. O'Reilly earns $10 million a year for his TV duties and has an estimated net worth of $50 million.

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Rush Limbaugh

"No, Bill. I invented the idea of Republican conservatives supporting gay marriage. I've been a gay advocate for many years. I was 30 when I first announced support for gays."

Rush Limbaugh, conservative radio commentator who earns $40 million per year and has an estimated net worth of $350 million, proving he is a salt-of-the-earth man-of-the-people type of guy.

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"I was 25, jackass."
Bill O'Reilly

Rush Limbaugh

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"I was actually 20, divorce boy."
Rush Limbaugh

Bill O'Reilly

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"I was 15, fat ass."

Bill O'Reilly

Rush Limbaugh
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"Goddamit, I came out of my mother's womb, my SAINTED mother's womb, carrying a sign supporting gay marriage. She had splinters in her uterus for years afterward. TOP THAT, SHITHEAD."
Rush Limbaugh

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Bill O'Reilly
"I can. When God and I were first looking out over the creation of the galaxy, I turned to my good friend and said, 'God, I gotta tell you, those boys you are going to make who will love other boys, and those girls you're making who will love other girls? I want them all to have the right to get married and share all the bliss of regular penis and vagina heterosexual couples. And I want them to have all of the rights and due process guaranteed to heterosexual couples in all fifty states and at the federal level. Whattaya say?' And God said, 'Good idea, Bill. I'm glad I made you on the the third fucking day.' There, fat ass, consider yourself TOPPED, though I doubt it is the first time, if you know what I mean."
Bill O'Reilly

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