Friday, May 17, 2013

Overheard at the White House:

President Obama
"All right you GOP motherfuckers! I've been taking your shit all week, but now it turns out that BEFORE you released the Behghazi story to the media and started this sheet, you DOCTORED the e-mails A LOT and made my administration look even more stupid than we managed to do all by ourselves. And while you creepy little scrunge monkey bastards are painting a portrait of me your base can't WAIT to believe, you are taking attention away from important things, like how this year's deficit will be $200 billion UNDER the projection. Why don't you want to talk about that? You should all be ashamed."

President Barack Obama

Lindsey Graham

- - -

"OH YES, we just feel awful, I can barely stop fellatin... er, I mean, flagellating myself over it."

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), America's favorite hermaphrodite lawmaker, who has a net worth of somewhere between $600,000 and $1.3 million. 
John Boehner
- - -

"Oh, YES, Mr. President. Boo hoo. There. I managed to dredge up tears just for you. Candy ass."

Speaker of the House John Boehner, whose personal fortune is estimated at between $1.7 and $5.5 million.
Mitch McConnell

- - -

"The American people sent us here..."

Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), whose personal fortune is estimated at $50 million.

President Obama
- - -

"Shut the fuck up, McConnell. I've definitely heard enough of
your bile this week. You blow, Mitch. That's right, I said it.
President Obama

Mitch McConnell
- - -

"I know YOU do, but how about
YOUR WIFE? I've got a $20 bill
in my pocket, if she's interested. That's the only money I have till payday."
Sen. McConnell

President Obama

- - -

"That is the First Lady and my WIFE you are talking about. Do you want to step outside?"
President Obama

Mitch McConnell
- - -

"Sure, I'll go outside if that's where she wants to do it. All right, all right. That was a terrible thing to say. I apologize...

"...Tell you what: I'll make it $50 and we can go outside while she does it...

"... Don't blame me--you fall for this shit every damn time, Mr. President."
Sen. McConnell

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