Sunday, May 19, 2013

Overheard in Washington, D.C.:

Mitch McConnell

"Oh yeah, the entire Obama administration is built on a platform of intimidation. We all sit over there in the Senate and just cower all day long wondering just what he will do next. It's terrible. Half of us take mega doses of valium just to get through the day. He's very vindictive. Mean. Nasty. Spiteful. Most hateful president we've ever had. If you don't do what he sayswhich I ALWAYS dootherwise, he will have you audited, your family's homes and cars seized for drug trafficking, and, if you're parents are over 80, he will have them euthanized. You see how I'm shaking, don't you? Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go tighten the thumbscrews on my staff, otherwise they just get too lazy."

Sen Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), whose personal fortune is estimated at $50 million.

Slim Pickens
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"God, I wish we'd had this sum'bitch back in the Wild West days. What a goddammed panty-waist he is. Back in the Wild West, we would have kicked the shit out of him and then branded his ass daily just as a warm up for the day. Ah, good times."

Slim Pickens, actor 

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