Monday, July 29, 2013

Overheard in Vatican City:

Pope Francis I
“Who am I to judge the gay priests? Jesus said don’t judge; I don’t judge. Instead, I blow them kisses! Rainbow-colored kisses! I don’t even care if they have a partner they love and cherish! Good for them! I would much rather that than they spend the church’s money on rent boy prostitutes! If the gay priests want to come talk to me, come and talk to me! I don’t know much about interior decorating and dance clubs, but I do my best! At night, when I say my prayers, I say, ‘Thank you, God, for giving me at least some priests who are not pedophiles!’ A pope must be happy for what he gets! And remember what else Jesus say, ‘Feed the hungry children—don’t rape them'!”

Pope Francis I

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Jesus Christ
“What enlightenment! See what getting the fuck away from Vatican City does to a body? You actually start thinking! Now… if you are going to sing, ‘For He’s a Jolly Good Gay Fellow,’ for your priests and their significant others, Franny my boy, should the church also be saying, ‘Welcome Straight Boys!’ to the heterosexual priests? And should you be encouraging the heterosexuals to have significant others so they can lead lives that might actually leave them feeling happy and fulfilled as well? And what the hell, Franny, why not welcome all the NON-PAPAL gays and lesbians who only want acceptance? Verily, verily I say unto you, just keep in mind, that when asked about their sexual orientation, an overwhelming percentage of pedophiles identify themselves as heterosexualsYes, it’s true!—so you must always be diligent and watchful!

Jesus Christ, son of God

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