Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Overheard on MSNBC:

Ted Cruz

"These … people who are pushing for marriage equality—same-sex marriage—just want to prosecute true Christian pastors who decline to perform gay marriages and preach biblical truths on marriage, just like what has happened in other countries.”
Sen. Ted Cruz, speaking in Iowa last week.

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Rachel Maddow
“You, sir, are a lying piece of dog shit. Proponents of same-sex marriage have been very clear that any religious organization or church that declines to perform such marriages and/or preaches anti-homosexual messages or encourages a lack of tolerance for others are perfectly within their rights to do so under the First Amendment. The LGBT World is probably the LAST group that would ever attempt to squash someone else’s message because their message has been squashed for so very long.”
Rachel Maddow, MSNBC host

Ted Cruz

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“LGBT World? What the hell is that? Some sort of amusement park for queers? Boy, let me see the log flume ride in that one! Listen up, Maddow. You are a big honking dyke with a show no one watches on a network most people don’t know exists.”
Sen. Cruz

Rachel Maddow

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“And you are a pathetically inept politician who through his connections and past service as the piss bucket boy for George W. Bush ended up as a senator. You are a liar and a cheat, a manipulator of the highest order and no one likes you. I suspect you are also a closeted homosexual. C’mon out, Ted! You won’t get cooties! And dykes don’t honk; we bite. Hard.”
Rachel Maddow
Ted Cruz

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“Uhm…. don’t try your Jedi mind tricks on me, Dykie McDykester. I’m having none of it. Me? A closeted gay? That’s just disgusting.”
Sen. Cruz
Rachel Maddow

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“Only for the men who might have to blow you.”

Rachel Maddow
Ted Cruz

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“Jesus hates you.”
Sen. Cruz
Rachel Maddow

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“No, he doesn’t. Jesus doesn’t hate. It’s not possible for him to hate. Wow. What a dick you are.”
Rachel Maddow

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