Thursday, June 27, 2013

Overheard Somewhere:

Paula Deen

"Sonuvabitch! Now I’ve been dropped by Novo Nordisk AND Target. And Caesar’s is closing my four RESTAURANTS! Jesus fucking Christ! You’d think I shit in the public swimming pool! Or maybe I put on a white hood and went trick-or-treating on the nigger side of town. OH SHIT. I said it AGAIN. Fuck ME.”

Paula Deen, famed cook, who is embroiled in litigation resulting from her alleged racist behavior toward employees. The Food Network has canceled her show, and she has been dropped as a spokesperson for WalMart and Smithfield ham and pork products.

Matt Lauer

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"Paula, Paula, Paula. You are cracking me up. I literally have not stopped laughing since yesterday. My face hurts."

Matt Lauer, host of the 'Today' show 


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