Monday, March 11, 2013

Overheard in a History Book:

Millard Fillmore

"I went from a log cabin to the White House just like that bastard Lincoln, but you don't see people making a big deal about me. And I made the trip first."

Millard Fillmore, 13th president of the United States and last Whig Party candidate to hold the office. Many historians suggest Fillmore is one of the 10 least effective presidents in the history of the United States

Abraham Lincoln

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"You can take the boy out of the log cabin, but that does not mean you will put a man into the White House. And believe me, I know a thing or two about men in the White House."

Abraham Lincoln, 16th president, emancipator, and renowned frontier cuddlebunny

Millard Fillmore
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"Oh fuck off, Abe. Goody-two-shoes smartass. You're insufferable."

Millard Fillmore

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