Friday, May 10, 2013

Overheard in Washington, D.C.

Rand Paul
"John Kerry is one snotty sounding bastard. Every time he opens
his fucking Massachusetts mouth, I just want to close it with a
soccer ball."

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), the TEA Party-affiliated Libertarian considering a presidential run in 2016. Paul had never held office before winning election to the Senate 2010. Prior to being elected, Paul was an ophthalmologist. His personal wealth is estimated at $1.2 million.
John Kerry

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"This is just how intelligence sounds, Sen. Paul. If you had any, you'd know. And I have to wonder.... is this the type of behavior they teach in Libertarian School? To go around offering up elementary school sounding insults aimed at people who are different from you?
Tsk, tsk."

Rand Paul
 Secretary of State John Kerry, former senator from Massachusetts.

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"I am not childish!. I am not, am not, am not! La-la-la-la! I can't hear you! I'm not listening!"
Rand Paul

John Kerry
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"There, there, now Rand. I think you need a time out. Or a nap.
A cookie and some milk perhaps?"
 John Kerry     


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