Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Overheard in Washington, D.C.:

Danny Werfel

“So now the WHOLE truth is out: The IRS actually targeted MORE liberal and progressive groups seeking non-profit status in 2012 than we did conservative groups when investigating applications for non-profit/non-political status. The reality is the IRS just plain wants to screw with everybody, regardless of their ideology. We don’t care who or what you are, as long as you are living in mortal fear of us. What I want to know is now that the truth is out, where is the moral outrage we saw over the conservative TEA party groups? Where is the screaming, the gnashing of teeth, the allegations of impropriety? Funny how that works, isn’t it? It also has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the White House had NO INPUT as to what non-profit applications are approved, disproved or investigated. I don’t believe I heard anyone apologize for that little mistake either. People lost their jobs over this bullshit and there was absolutely NOTHING to it. A tempest in a teapot. Political theater. Wow. Politicians really do suck. My mom warned me about that.” 

Danny Werfel, principal deputy commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service.

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