Sunday, July 7, 2013

Overheard at 'The Hospital':

Liz Cheney

"They've been letting me out of here to go on day trips. I've been traveling all over Wyoming, attending all sorts of events, and meeting all kinds of people. My handlers tell me I'm getting ready to run for U.S. Senate, but I don't know what that is. I'm just glad I haven't stabbed anyone with a fork at these dinners and luncheons I've been attending. Sometimes I really have to fight the voices in my head that scream for me to draw blood. But then I remember that if I DO stab anyone with a fork, they will take away my crayons again when I go back to the hospital. I don't like to be without my crayons. When my crayons are locked in the cabinet, I don't have anyone to talk to. Purple tells the best jokes. Yellow knows all my secrets. Red is a tattletale."

Liz Cheney, an extremely smug and abrasive far right wing conservative pundit steeped heavily in the politics of fear and maintaining a distance from reality.

Little known Liz Cheney fact: Her business card reads only, "That Crazy Bitch."

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