Monday, July 1, 2013

Overheard in Tanzania:

President Obama

“So, here we are in Tanzania. Funny meeting you here.”

 President Barack Obama (D-Illinois)

- - -
President Bush

“Well, Laura and I were out for our evening stroll and somehow, we ended up here. Must have made a really wrong turn to end up in this all-black neighboropolis.
Am I in Detroit?”

Former President George W. Bush (R-Texas)

President Obama
- - -

“No, President Bush, you are in Tanzania. I suspect you are here for the wreath-laying ceremony honoring the 1998 bombing at the U.S. embassy. Eleven people died that day.”

President Obama
President Bush

- - -

“Eleven. That’s too bad. Eleven dead kind of sounds like a bad day of duck hunting for Dick Cheney, doesn’t it? Is he still the vice president? He scares the shit out of me. Always did. He's not here, is he?”
President Bush
President Obama

- - -

“No, he wasn't invited. No one in the entire African continent likes him. He couldn't get invited to his own funeral here. And Vice President Cheney left office when you did. That’s how it works.”

President Obama

President Bush
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“Oh. I probably knew that. You sure he wasn’t
just following me?”
 President Bush

President Obama

- - -

“I’m pretty sure he wasn’t. I think you are also here for the conference on African women sponsored by the George W. Bush Institute. Both Laura and Michelle are speaking at it.”

President Obama
President Bush

- - -

“My Laura? She’s not African. I don’t believe she even has a tan. And who is Michelle?”
President Bush
President Obama

- - -

“But Laura is an advocate, and that’s what’s important.
Michelle is the First Lady. My wife.”

President Obama
President Bush

- - -

“Well that’s nice. She a nice girl? How long you been married? I’m glad you have someone waiting at home for you. Laura is quite advocarian, that’s for sure. I don’t believe she has eaten meat in 25 years.”
President Bush

President Obama

- - -

“Well, all righty then. Don’t be a stranger. Stop by the White House some time and visit. I won't invite Dick Cheney. I promise.”

President Obama

President Bush
- - -

“What’s the address?”
President Bush

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