Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Overheard in Egypt:

Lindsey Graham

“Well, you sure fucked this one up, Sen. McCain. You used the goddam ‘C’ word. Now nobody here in Egypt wants to listen to a thing we say. Way to go, shithead!”
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)

John McCain

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“What the fuck are you talking about? I didn’t say ‘cunt’ although when I'm around you, that is the word I think of most.”
Sen. John ‘Blood and Guts’ McCain

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Lindsey Graham

“EEEEeeewwwwwwwwwwwwWWWWW! Not that C-word. The other C-word—‘C-O-U-P’. You should never have said the military mounted a coup to remove Mohamed Morsi as president. They do not see it as a ‘coup’.”

Sen. Graham

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John McCain

“They don’t see it as a coup because they don’t want to lose their aid from the United States. If it walks like a quack and ducks like a goose… wait, goddamit… if it walks like a duck and quacks like a fuck, it’s a fucking duck. And it’s not like you really helped things, Sen. Limpwrist: ‘In a democracy, we all sit down and talk to one another. You can’t talk to someone if they are in jail.’ Oh, they loved that. What the hell did you mean, anyway. They don’t remove their eardrums when they put them in jail, you know. You CAN talk to them. The imprisoned party might not be as amenable to listening as he otherwise might be, but on the other hand, if you are saying, ‘The key to getting your ass out of this prison is…’ I suspect they will listen, you jackass.”
Sen. McCain
Lindsey Graham

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“Well, that could be true. Either way, I think we need to get the hell out of this hot sweaty desert as soon as possible. They are going to turn on us, Sen. McCain. I can feel it.”

Sen. Graham
John McxCain

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As much as I’d be willing to take a shot at the entire Muslim Brotherhood myself, I don’t  think I can do that AND protect you. So, it’s time to go home.”
Lindsey Graham
Sen. McCain

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“Because home is where the heart is.”

Sen. Graham

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John McCain

Jesus Christ. Now I will have the willies for the whole goddam trip home. Do you ever shut your mouth?”
Sen. McCain

Lindsey Graham
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“Not on a good night, no.”

Sen. Graham

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