Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Overheard in Washington, D.C.:

Sarah Palin

"You Senate pussies! No backbone! Things get a little squeaky and you throw in the towel! Obamacare is going to ruin this great nation and you are just letting it happen! God Bless America!”
Sarah Palin

Barack Obama
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“Sarah, it’s time for you to head on back to Alaska now. The country has heard enough out of you for a while and there is a little retarded boy up there crying for his retarded mommy.”
President Barack Obama

Sarah Palin
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“As if I would ever listen to the man who is bringing about the destructibleness of our great nation! HA! Socialized medicine! Death PANELING! You make the Founding Fathers SICK, by the way. Martha Washington was a Momma Grizzly just like me!"
Sarah Palin

Barack Obama
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“Look. You lost. Period. Surely you are used to that by now. It's not a new thing for you. Obamacare rules. Instead of hating it, why not embrace it for the good it can do? It’s time to move on, or at least get your white ass back to Alaska.”
President Obama

Sarah Palin
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“Someday you’ll be out of office and I’ll be there to laugh.”
Sarah Palin

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Barack Obama

“My term ends in 2016, bitch. See you then! And by the way--you may be there to laugh, but you will NEVER be there to serve because the American people are not that fucking stupid, bey-yotch!”
President Obama

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Sarah Palin

(...a look of seething Mama Grizzly hatred...)”
Sarah Palin

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Bill Clinton
“Oh, don’t go home mad, Sarah. In fact, don’t go home at all! It's cold up there! Come visit me instead. We’ll have some dinner, we can talk about Washington. I can teach you a thing or two. (Whispers: I’ve got some SECRETS  I can share …) You are my kind of woman, Sarah: hot, conscious, upright, and bat shit fuck crazy. I loves me some crazy white women. You have no idea. Really. You have no idea.”

Former President Bill Clinton (D-Arkansas)

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