Monday, October 14, 2013

Overheard on MSNBC:

Ted Cruz

 "I'm sorry. I just do not believe your poll. There is no way 53 percent of Americans disprove of the GOP and I absolutely refuse to believe that the government shutdown and the behavior of the GOP is actually making Obamacare more popular among citizens. That poll NBC did was heavily weighted with Democrats and people who aren't real Americans."

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)

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Chuck Todd

"Sen. Cruz, that poll was conducted to the highest possible standards. It is a very accurate poll. It may not be what you want to hear, or what you want to believe, but it is the true sentiment of how Americans feel."

Chuck Todd, NBC White House correspondent

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Ted Cruz

"No. It's not true. You have fixed it. It's balderdash."
Sen. Cruz

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Chuck Todd

"What the fuck planet do you live on, bozo? This is reality. People think you in particular suck shit. And you hanging out with Sarah Palin is something that is not helping your cause, Sen. Cruz. The TEA Party may support you, but that is a minor faction of the populace, you asshole."
Chuck Todd

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Ted Cruz

"Hot dogs! Apple Pie! Milk! Second Amendment rights! Guns! Ammunition! Chocolate bunnies!"
Sen. Cruz

Chuck Todd
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Chuck Todd

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Ted Cruz

"Mowing Lawns! Outdoor barbecues! Taxation Without Representation! Bacon double cheeseburgers! The Founding Fathers! The Twist!"
Sen. Cruz

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Chuck Todd

"Say that shit all you want, this poll suggests you are going down, and not in a good way."
Chuck Todd

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