Monday, December 2, 2013

Overheard on CNN:

Rick Santorum

“The First Amendment absolutely guarantees companies the right to not follow laws that are against their religion, including that Obamacare mandate that large companies provide women with coverage for BIRTH CONTROL, which many religions, INCLUDING MY OWN, do not condone. Women are supposed to get pregnant every time they have sex and keep having babies until their uteruses fall out. That's God's law.”

Rick Santorum, America's favorite Roman Catholic, homophobe and racist. Santorum is a highly probable 2016 Republican candidate for president.

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Howard Dean

“Why does God not set you on fire when you say shit like that? Oh wait. Maybe he doesn’t listen to you either.”

Howard Dean, physician, former governor of Vermont, presidential candidate and chair of the Democratic National Committee, now a liberal pundit.

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