Monday, February 24, 2014

Overheard in Arizona:

John McCain

“Hello, Gollum? I mean, Gov. Brewer? This is Sen. McCain.”

Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona)

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Jan Brewer

“Johnny McCain! Well, I haven’t talked to you in ages? Hell, I thought you was dead! How are you, Precious? How’s Lindsey Graham? You two still together?
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R)

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John McCain

“Sen. Graham’s fine. We seem to be traveling a lot and serving on the same committees, so I guess that yes, we are still together as a political team.”
Sen. McCain

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Jan Brewer

“Oh, I get it, Johnny. Ix-nay on the ag-got-fay.”
Gov. Brewer

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John McCain

“I don’t know what you just said. But why I’m calling is I really want you to veto this legislation that would allow people who say they have religious beliefs that reject homosexuality to discriminate against gays and lesbians in any way they see fit. That’s just wrong, Gov. Brewer, not to mention against the constitution and sure to be overturned. We do not want Arizona to become the poster child for hatred.”
Sen. McCain

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Jan Brewer

 “Why am I NOT surprised that YOU of all people would want me to veto the bill, Precious? Talk about the pot calling the kettle a tutu-wearing fairy!”

Gov. Brewer

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John McCain

“Excuse me? My only interest in this is to ensure our state does not suffer at the hands of bigots.”
Sen. McCain

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Jan Brewer

 “Of course it is, Johnny! I get it. Actually, I don’t know what I’m going to do yet, Precious. But I’ll keep you posted.”
Gov. Brewer

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