Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Overheard on 'Anderson 360':

Anderson Cooper

"You say this law would protect the religious rights of people who oppose the fair treatment of homosexuals?"

Anderson Cooper, host of CNN's 'Anderson 360'

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Al Melvin
"Listen, Missy. This law is all about religious freedom! We don't believe Christ wants to make us take money from the hands of ho-MO-sex-uals. We don't know where those hands have been, for heaven's sake. But, I've been in our senate for six years and there are no laws in Arizona that allow us to discriminate against anyone, so stop saying that."

Arizona Senator/gubernatorial candidate Al Melvin, (R)

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Anderson Cooper

"But under this new law, which you say it is to protect the faith of people in Arizona, can you tell me of someone who has been forced to do something ... anything ... with a gay person ... and would be protected under this law."
Anderson Cooper

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Al Melvin

"This bill will prevent discrimination BEFORE it happens, Missy, so stop saying otherwise. This bill is pre-emptive. It's never happened. But we've seen it in other states and we don't want it here."
Al Melvin

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Anderson Cooper

"Yes, it has happened in other states where there are laws requiring the equal treatment of gays, but you don't have that in Arizona, so it's never happened there. So, what the fuck, Al?"
Anderson Cooper

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Al Melvin

"This is not a discrimination bill, Missy. We want to protect religious freedom—you know, the right to close our eyes and pray and not think about gay people doing things to each other."
Al Melvin

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Anderson Cooper

"So, under your law, if I'm a Catholic loan officer and I don't want to loan money to divorcees, or an unwed mother, I could refuse to do business with them?"
Anderson Cooper

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Al Melvin

"I don't know where you are getting your hypotheticals from, Missy. Who would be against an unwed mother or a divorcee? No one in Arizona, I can assure you that! It's the faggots and gays and dykes we're against."
Al Melvin

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Anderson Cooper

"I get my hypotheticals just by reading your piece of shit bigoted law, you mouth-breathing tighty-whitey wearing neanderthal. Under your law, discrimination is legal and allowed. Are you fucktarded or what?"
Anderson Cooper

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Al Melvin

"I don't believe that. Throughout our country, all of the pillars of our society are under attack by the GAYS ... the traditional family, our churches, the Boy Scouts, religious freedoms. And the gays and dykes are against all of it, Missy, so we're going to stop it. I don't know of anyone in Arizona who would discriminate against anyone for anything. We don't have discrimination in Arizona."
Al Melvin

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Anderson Cooper

"Really. You don't have any discrimination in Arizona ... None ... Anywhere ... Well, come to New York, fella, and I'll introduce you. We don't like self-righteous homophobes who cover their desire to suck a fat one in religious hypocrisy."
Anderson Cooper

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Al Melvin

"Listen, we're very people-friendly in Arizona. And by the way, Missy, of the 10 or so candidates of governor for Arizona, I am the only one who is promoting and defending this bill."
Al Melvin

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Anderson Cooper

"And you can't come up with one example of a person of faith who has ever been forced to do something covered under this law. May God bless your pathetic little brain."
Anderson Cooper

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