Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Overheard in the Senate Men's Room:

Harry Reid

“Kind of funny how it always seems to come down to you and me, isn’t it Mitch?”
Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada)

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Mitch McConnell

“Yes, it is. We may be older than Moses, but these young idiots pretend they know what they are doing and then nearly fuck up an entire country just to show how much of a pouty face they can put on. I'm a dick, but even I know that’s not what governing is all about.”
Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)

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Harry Reid

“No, it isn’t. Sometimes, I just wanna go back 20 years or so when we could line our pockets freely without all of these damn reporters watching our every move.”
Sen. Reid

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Mitch McConnell

“I am with you on that, Harry. This Ted Cruz character… I think I need to assign him to some really shitty committees and make sure he has little chance to do any further harm to the nation. What a slimy cocksucker he turned out to be.”

Sen. McConnell

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Harry Reid

“He wasn’t alone, Mitch. Your best friend, Sen. Rand Paul, was knee deep in the bullshit theatrics, despite him staying along the sidelines. You know that as well as I do. And if you bury Cruz, everyone is going to say you are doing it just to favor your buddy Sen. Paul in 2016. There is no way to win this except to get the agreement signed, sealed and delivered.”
Sen. Reid

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Mitch McConnell

“I really don’t like Sen. Paul, you know. I pretend to, but he is a little bit too ambitious. Only his first term and he wants the brass ring already. He’s definitely as bad as Cruz. Personally, I think I’d like to trade them both, and that stupid shithead Mike Lee of Utah to another country. Maybe we can trade the three of them for German Chancellor Angela Merkel. She’s be one helluva addition to our team here. We'd at least get some decent strudel out of the deal.”
Sen. McConnell

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Harry Reid

“You can bring that up after we get the debt ceiling and continuing resolution bullshit out of the way. And just to be clear: I really, truly believe you are a lying piece of shit on your best day.”
Sen. Reid

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Mitch McConnell

"And I think you are an insufferable asswipe who likes nothing better than to wrap himself in righteous indignation when a $5 whore would do you more good. Just so we're clear.”
Sen. McConnell

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