Monday, February 24, 2014

Overheard on Chuck Hagel's Cellphone:

Chuck Hagel

“Mr. President! Mr. President! I FINALLY HAVE IT!”

Secretary of State Charles 'Chuck' Hagel

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Barack Obama

“Secretary Hagel, you have what? The answer to last week’s Sunday Times Crossword puzzle?”

President Barack Obama

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Chuck Hagel

“Oh fuck no. Me? What I have is the answer to the problem of sexual assaults in the military. I’ve got a plan, Mr. President.”
Secretary Hagel

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Barack Obama

“Chuck, so help me, if this is another one of your halfwit schemes, I am going to slap the shit out of you.”

President Obama

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Chuck Hagel

“Not this time, Mr. President! This is a sure-fire winner, and I absolutely guarantee you, the problem will be lowered by 15 percent. Almost immediately.”
Secretary Hagel

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Barack Obama

“FIFTEEN percent? My GOD Chuck! This is just what I was looking to hear in the first place. Tell me, my good man, how in the world will you manage such a dramatic cut in just one year?”

President Obama

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Chuck Hagel

“Well Mr. President, that is the excellent beauty in this goddam plan. We actually aren’t going to have to do anything other than what we are already planning. As you are aware, budget cuts are going to result in us reducing the size of our military. But, this downsizing is going to have a very positive effect on the problem of soldiers and officers sexually assaulting other soldiers and officers!”
Secretary Hagel

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Barack Obama

“Do tell! Do tell!”
President Obama

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Chuck Hagel

“Don’t you see sir? By reducing the size of the military by 20 percent, there will be a spillover effect of ALSO reducing the number of sexual assaults by 20 percent! We will make a SIGNIFICANT dent in the problem without actually doing one goddam thing! Aren’t you proud of me?”
Secretary Hagel

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Barack Obama

“Uhmmmm …. yes, proud would be a word. But Chuck … how do you know that we won’t be actually releasing all victims and keeping all of the perpetrators enlisted? If that happens, you could actually see an INCREASE in the rate of assaults because the number of assaults will remain constant while the size of the military will shrink. Didn’t you have a Statistics 101 class in college?”
President Obama

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Chuck Hagel

“Statistics, sir?”
Secretary Hagel

- - -

Barack Obama

“I see. Back to the drawing board, Chuck. Don’t worry. The clock’s still ticking. You’ve got 10 months left before I fire your ass in an extremely humiliating way unless you solve this fucking problem.”
President Obama

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Chuck Hagel

“. . .”
Secretary Hagel

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Chuck Hagel

“. . .”
Secretary Hagel

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Chuck Hagel

“. . .”
Secretary Hagel

- - -

Chuck Hagel

“Do I need to solve it completely, sir?”
Secretary Hagel

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