Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Overheard on Twitter:

Eric Cantor

“Obamacare is costing 2 million Americans their jobs, goddammit! That’s what we Republicans have been warning you against all along! And now the Congressional Budget Office confirms it!”

House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Virginia)

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Mister Ed
“Rep. Cantor-r-r-r-r-r-r? That’s not what the report says at all. What the CBO says is that as a result of the Affordable Care Act making health insurance and Medicaid available to more citizens, it is likely that up to 2 million Americans will decide they do not need to work as much, or at all, just to have access to healthcare, and the result will be a drop in the size of the available labor force. What that will mean is most likely a steep decline in unemployment numbers, without there being an increase in the number of people just looking for work. I’m a fucking horse and even I understood that report when I read it.”

Mister Ed, famous talking horse and Fox anchor

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Eric Cantor

“You know they turn old horses into glue, right?”
Rep. Cantor

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