Thursday, March 27, 2014

Overheard on CNN:

Dottie Sandusky

My poor children and grandchildren have suffered so terribly ever since my Jerry was found guilty of raping and sexually assaulting all of those kids. And he never did that. My Jerry would never do that. Why would he? He had me, though now that you ask, he never did seem very interested in that. But my children and grandchildren have suffered the worst, you know, what with all of the people taunting them and making fun of them because their father or pop-pop likes to rape and emotionally damage young boys, leaving them in need of a lifetime to repair the damage he inflicted. But the important point is my children and grandchildren are innocent bystanders. Look. I produced a single tear for them. See?”
Dottie Sandusky, wife of convicted child rapist and former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, who continues to protest her husband’s 2012 conviction on 45 of 48 charges.

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