Saturday, February 2, 2013

Overheard in Hollywood and McIntyre, GA:

Kim Kardashian
"My husband Kris Humphries is blah blah blah. My thighs are blah blah blah. My sister Khloe's vagina smells like blah blah blah. My sisters are blah blah blah. My mother is blah blah blah. I'm blah blah blah." 

Kim Kardashian, who like her sisters, Khloe, Courtney, Sneezy, Dopey, and Lumpy, has no talent, skill, or redeeming value whatsoever,
but has somehow risen to a position of great celebrity and wealth as a reality TV star.

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"If them Kardashians were my kids, you kin bet they'd have some of that there talent stuff and maybe even personalities. And there shore wouldn't be no gosh darn sex tapes, unless a first cousin was involved. And I cain't say fer sure, but I think them Kardashians are related to me, or at least have some redneck in their ancestry. Anyone with an asses that big have to be at least part redneck. Now, look closely at Kim. I think we have the same ham hocks, I mean cheekbones."
June "Mama" Shannon, fellow reality TV star, and mother of Alana "Honey BooBoo" Thompson, child beauty pageant contestant and reality TV star.

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