Sunday, May 19, 2013

Overheard at 'The Hospital':

Liz Cheney

"We played bingo today during our afternoon playtime. We used an old Bingo set with the little plastic discs you put over your numbers when they are called. Did you know they can be shoved so far up someone's nose that a trip to the Emergency Room will be required? I thought that was the case, but today I proved my theory. Poor Nurse Hillary. Her day certainly didn't end the way she thought it would."

Liz Cheney, an extremely smug and abrasive far right wing conservative pundit steeped heavily in the politics of fear and maintaining a distance from reality. Like her father, Darth Vader, Liz has no heart and eats puppies and small children for breakfast. Unlike him, she prefers hers with ketchup.

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