Sunday, May 12, 2013

Overheard on the Campaign Trail:

"Hillary Clinton should never hold office again. Really. I want her out of the 2016 race so that there is no one to oppose me as I launch my secret plan to take over the empire, I mean win the White House."

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), damning the actions of Clinton regarding Benghazi, Libya, when the reality of that situation is Congress cut the State Department budget so much, personnel cuts had to be made and deficiencies resulted, a point made immediately following the death of J. Christopher Stevens and three others, but later lost in the GOP cries of conspiracy theories and rhetoric designed to damage the opposition at any cost. Paul is a TEA Party-affiliated Libertarian considering a presidential run in 2016. Paul had never held office before winning election to the Senate 2010. Prior to being elected, Paul was an ophthalmologist. His personal wealth is estimated at $1.2 million.

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