Friday, May 24, 2013

Overheard on Fox:

Roger Ailes
"President Obama is just trying to intimidate Fox News because we are the only media entity that challenges him at all. Well it won't work. Not at all. Doesn't Obama know Fox News will never be intimidated by anyone with a brain?"

Fox News Chair Roger Ailes

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Barack Obama
"To even want to intimidate you, I would first have to give a shit about the things you say and do, and trust me, Fox News does not get one moment of my day, though I do sometimes worry about Bill O'Reilly's mental health and his blood pressure."

President Barack Obama

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Bill O'Reilly

"It's true. Just as Jon Stewart said: I orgasm every time I bash President Obama without having a good reason to do so. Do you have any idea how many suits I go through in a good week?  I may have to stop. It's starting to hurt."

 Bill O'Reilly, author, and host of  The O'Reilly Factor on Fox. O'Reilly earns $10 million a year for his TV duties and has an estimated net worth of $50 million.

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