Sunday, June 9, 2013

Overheard at the Vatican:

Pope Francis I

 "We were put on this earth by God to cultivate it and I don't believe we are doing it. Instead we throw out truckloads of food that could be going to feed the poor. Amen."

Pope Francis I, speaking on the United Nation's World Environment Day.

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Jesus Christ

"Franny, Franny, Franny. Here you go again with the feed the poor again. Blah blah blah blah blah. It is such a tiresome sermon. If you want to take care of the poor, fine. Tun over church property and grow gardens for them. Let them pull the weeds and pick the bugs and groweth their own food. Stop talking and do something. And stop talking about the poor altogether unless you are speaking of the millions of poor child sexual assault victims the church has created. Now those poor people deserve all of your time and effort, even if you'd much rather be skulking about in some alley back in Buenos Aires offering a turkey sandwich to a child in exchange for who knows what. Verily, verily I say unto you, the time of my return is a mystery, so you better get cracking just in
case. Dickhead."

Jesus Christ, son of God

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