Sunday, June 30, 2013

Overheard on 'Meet the Press':

Jim DeMint
"Of course the federal government should keep its nose out of states' rights. Except for the requirement for women to have a forced ultrasound, even a transvaginal ultrasound, of course. Thousands of women welcome that, by the way, because it would be free."

Former Sen. Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), now head of the conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation

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"Wait... let me get this straight. You, a conservative Republican and former senator, are endorsing the right of the government to step between a woman and her doctor? That's OK with you? And it wouldn't be free, asshole."

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC host and the hottest, brightest and best broadcast journalist on the face of the planet. 

Jim DeMint
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 "You know, Maddow, you are too smart for America's good. If you had a penis, I'd take you outside and punch your lights out."

Jim DeMint

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"And if you had a vagina, I'd bother trying to make you think."
Rachel Maddow


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