Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Overheard in Moscow:

“Thank you, Mr. Putin, for protecting my son! God bless Moscow! God bless you! God bless the Russian people!”

Lon Snowden, father of former defense contractor/National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden, speaking on Russian television

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Vladimir Putin
“Please, Mr. Snowden. People are not allowed to say the word ‘god’ on Russian TV, unless they are referring to me. Please do not make that mistake again, or their will be consequences your son will find most disturbing. Do you notice your son is not making so many headlines now? That is what protection in Russia means: you don’t talk until you are asked to do so and no one here has asked him to speak. No more of this leaking stuff. Here in Russia, we plug leaks. I used to do it personally. Traditionally, it has been done with cement. I believe you Americans refer to it as, ‘getting a pair of cement shoes.’ It is very effective. Leaks stop immediately. Life is simple when you practice totalitarianism. Democracy… phooey! Democracy is for Nancy boys.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin

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