Monday, July 1, 2013

Overheard in Ohio:

John Kasich

"We are very pro woman here in Ohio. I just signed a budget bill that forces women seeking an abortion to undergo an ultrasound, although it’s likely the three abortion clinics we have will shut down due to the funding changes we instituted, so any baby killers will likely have to go out of state. And that damned Planned Parenthood? They will probably receive no money during the coming year. And we may shut down rape crisis center, because what is rape, really? And you know those religious-based 'pregnancy centers' that counsel woman to have the baby no matter what? Here in Ohio, we’re gonna fund them even though they seldom provide accurate health information. Now, if they jump through all of the hoops, and still manage to get an abortion in Ohio, should the woman develop a complication during the procedure, there will be no automatic transfer to a public hospital. The woman must find a private hospital to help them. Here in Ohio, we love women! God bless them and their organs!”
                                                                  Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R)

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