Monday, July 1, 2013

Overheard on Fox:

Sarah Palin
“If the GOP doesn’t start supporting the things we true conservatives want to see supported, we may just leave and form our own party. We don’t have to remain where we aren’t wanted, you know.”

Sarah Palin, former small town mayor, former half-term governor of Alaska, former vice presidential candidate, former reality show star, and Fox News commentator. Her net worth is $12 million.

Mister Ed
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“What would you call this new party, Sarah.”

Fellow Fox News commentator Mister Ed

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Sarah Palin

“I don’t know, Mister Ed. That’s a very good question. You are pretty smart for a horse.”

Sarah Palin

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Mister Ed

“I’m pretty smart for a Republican or a Fox News pundit, Sarah. When you came back on board, you really lowered the bar, you know? I think this new party should call yourselves, the GOF: Grand Old Fucktards.”

Mister Ed

Sarah Palin

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“Mister Ed, that is just awful. Who do you think you are,
Bill Maher? Do you want to insult my retarded children and husband now?”
Sarah Palin

Mister Ed
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“I’m not Bill Maher but Bill and I are half-brothers, though he will deny it. Same father; different mothers. I can honestly say my daddy was a horse fucker. How about yours, Sarah? What barnyard critter did your father fuck? I suspect a pig, but you’ll have to confirm that.”

Mister Ed

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