Friday, July 26, 2013

Overheard on Fox:

Bill O'Reilly

“All Sharpton is poisoning the minds of black children, something neither I, nor any of my white supremacist friends, would ever do. We’d sell them into slavery, sure, but we wouldn’t poison their minds.”

Bill O’Reilly, Fox News host, slamming Sharpton for reasons so ludicrous they don’t warrant discussion.
Al Sharpton

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 “For a man worth bazillions of dollars, you certainly are an ignorant sonuvabitch, aren’t you?”
The Rev. Al Sharpton, MSNBC host, civil rights activist
Bill O'Reilly

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“If it makes you feel better about yourself to call me names, you just go right ahead, reverend. I can take it.”
Bill O’Reilly

Al Sharpton

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 “’Feel better about myself?’ FEEL BETTER ABOUT MYSELF? How much better will you feel about yourself if I come up the side of your head?”
Rev. Sharpton

Bill O'Reilly
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“You really are an angry black man, aren’t you reverend? Go ahead. Let it out. I’m here to help you and all of the black children out there. Clearly you are too busy counting money and spending time in tanning booths to help them.”
Al Sharpton
Bill O’Reilly

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’Spending time in tanning booths?’ Are you smoking crack, O’Reilly? I'm a black man!”

Bill O'Reilly
Rev. Sharpton

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“No, I leave that to the desperate and misguided, you know, like those black children whose minds you are poisoning will be in a few years.”
Bill O’Reilly

Al Sharpton
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“What in the hell…? O’Reilly, you are a fucking liar, a bigoted conservative shithead who should have his mouth wired shut permanently for the sake of mankind. You are a danger to the entire civilization, not just any one particular group. You don’t give a shit about black children, or any children for that matter. You are a small-minded, miserable cretin—“
Bill O'Reilly
Rev. Sharpton

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“CUT HIM OFF! This is my show. He doesn’t get to attack me. I'm the star here!”
Al Sharpton
Bill O’Reilly

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“Don’t you cut me off, you mutha..."
Rev. Sharpton

Bill O'Reilly
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“There. Now we can continue talking intelligently. Angry black men are the worst. I have the best job in the world!

Bill O’Reilly

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