Sunday, September 15, 2013

Overheard on Fox:

Tim Huelskamp

"OK, here's why the House's 42nd vote to repeal  the Affordable Care Act—fucking Obamacare—will work. We are going to tie it to the 'continuing resolution' we have to pass for the government to continue operating. The Senate wouldn't dare risk shutting down the government to preserve that fucking program."
Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kansas)

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Barack Obama
"There are those who believe I will negotiate on the debt ceiling, but I will not. I don't give a shit. If Congress wants to default on this nation's financial obligations, it is free to do so. And when the financial markets around the world send us all into a Greater Depression, Congress can deal with the ramifications. I can't stop it from happening. A president cannot overrule Congress on something such as this, and frankly, I have no intention of breaking the law. But, I will not be bent over the barrel again."
President Barack Obama

Tim Huelskamp
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"Trust me. He will fold."
Rep. Huelskamp

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