Sunday, September 15, 2013

Overheard on 'Meet the Press':

John McCain

"We need to shoot! Bite! Bomb! Slam! Kill! Not negotiate... sit on our hands... play patty-cake with the Russians... What the hell are we doing? Being a bunch of pussies is not what made this country great! Jesus Christ! This country is about acting, fixing, protecting, and butting our giant noses into someone else's business. I cannot believe we are in this position! What happened to the red line!"
Sen. John 'Blood and Guts' McCain (R-Arizona)

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Lindsey Graham

"I totally agree with you, Johnny. I've always known Secretary Kerry was a pussy. He's tall, wears a toupee and talks funny. It is time for us to get tough."
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)

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John McCain
"What gets me the most is two weeks ago, Russian President Putin and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said, 'Oh No, United States, we don't even have any chemical weapons.' And now they are like, 'OK, we do have them but we'll get a list together and hand them over.' But we're giving them shitloads of time to do it. Mark my words: Between now and then, the Syrians are going to hide things, move them to other countries, and then hand us a cup of sarin at the end, and tell us that is all they have. HA! We know better. And yet we are doing nothing. And I don't know how to change that, Lindsey. Somehow, you and I lost control of this debate and the pussies in our own party have taken over."
Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona)

Lindsey Graham

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"Well, I just don't like pussies, Johnny. I don't' like the way they look, the way they the way they taste... nothing about them is appealing. I never have liked them."

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)

John McCain
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"And, I now have the willies again, so thank you very much."
Sen. McCain

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Lindsey Graham

"Well at least you know that wherever you lead, Johnny, I will
be right behind you, just as close to your firm little tush as I can possibly be."
Sen. Graham

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