Friday, October 18, 2013

Overheard in the Midwest:

Rick Santorum
“For 30 years, there was no talk of changing the definition of marriage! NONE! Zero! Then along came that television show ‘Will and Grace’ and from that point on, the entire nation has been going downhill. That’s right! A sitcom is responsible for the fall of this great nation! And fundamentalists can’t beat the shit out of homos no more because they will be labeled as haters and be charged with hate crimes! They can’t even tell someone else to be the shit out of homos anymore because that will get them charged with hate crimes too. This used to be a strong country. NOW we charge people with HATE crimes? HATE CRIMES? What the hell is that? Just because you despise something with every single ounce of your being doesn't mean you HATE it. For the Republican Party to be considering embracing same-sex marriage, as opposed to banning it federally, and beginning a national program of liquidating gays is an outrage to our founding fathers.”

Rick Santorum, speaking last month at the Midwest Republican Leadership Conference. Santorum, a well-known conservative bottom boy and closeted homosexual is America’s favorite Roman Catholic.

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You know who

“Das stimmt! Execute the little fairy boys! This is what I tried to do… to vipe them out! And the vorld stopped me! I have but one testicle and I have more bravery in my little pinky than these little fairy boys! Many people tell me you are very much like me, Richard Santorum, and I do like what I hear. May the force always be vith you. Oh, and you will really like it when you get to hell. It's not such a bad place.”

Adolf Hitler

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Rick Santorum

“Why if gay people are allowed to get married, it will discourage people from having normal heterosexual marriages, where a closeted male or female is forced to repress his or her own sexuality for years and years because they are afraid of the response they will receive from a society that hates without justification, and family who subscribe to that same falsely placed emotion! Why, men and women who find themselves in such situations can even find a way to function in normal, GOP-style completely unfulfilling sex and produce children, despite the fact that they want nothing more than to stuff their mouth with the nearest… But I digress and veer from my prepared script…”
Rick Santorum

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“You do know what ‘Rick’ rhymes with, right?”
Jack McFarland

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