Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Overheard in Texas:

Barbara Boxer

“The Republicans are acting like men who beat their wives: 'I’m sorry about this shutdown, honey, but you didn’t listen. Now here’s some flowers.'”
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-California)

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“How dare you say such a thing! My wife and I have worked extensively in the area of sexual assault against women!”
Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R)

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Barbara Boxer
 “Well, bully for you, Gov. Perry! The only problem, you fucknut, is that you aren’t a member of Congress and aren’t responsible for the goddam shutdown, now are you? And your wife? Working against the sexual assault of women? Boy, there’s a surprise! In a state with restrictive abortion laws that deny women the right to decide what they do with their bodies? Oh yeah. You’re one fucking credible source, Gov. Perry.”
Sen. Boxer

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“Oh yeah? Well, what  do you say to a woman with two black eyes?”
Gov. Perry

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Barbara Boxer

 “I don't know. What a stupid question. ’I’m sorry? Let’s get you to a hospital?’ might be a start.”
Sen. Boxer

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“NO. You don’t say ANYTHING. You already told her twice. That’s how we get things done in Texas, bitch.”
Gov. Perry

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