Thursday, October 31, 2013

Overheard on MSNBC's Cellphone:

Rachel Maddow

“Rand Paul is a plagiarist. From WIKIPEDIA, no less. Yep. Go ahead, Randall. Prove me wrong.”

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC host

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Randall Paul

“The woman who has alleged I am a plagiarist has been waging a hate campaign for years—before she was born, actually. I don’t know why she has such a hatred for me.”

Sen. Randall ‘Rand’ Paul (R-Kentucky)

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Rachel Maddow

“Sorry, Sen. Paul. There is nothing in this for me personally. I report, they pay me a bazillion dollars, and I go home. I don’t hate you—I don’t know a thing about you personally, and you have certainly never had the balls to come on my show. Answer me this, Jethro: will you be plagiarizing your response to me from Wikipedia?”
Rachel Maddow

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Randall Paul

 “I am a brilliant man, Dykie McDykster. I didn’t plagiarize from Wikipedia. Why would I? Yes, yes, yes, my speech reads EXACTLY like the Wikipedia entry page—word for word, in fact. No, I don’t know how an amazing occurrence like that happens. It probably is pretty rare, though.”

Sen. Paul

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Rachel Maddow

“Wow. The wanna-be president of the United States plagiarizes from a user-edited site AND is afraid of a girl. YOU’RE GONNA BE A GREAT PRESIDENT!”
Rachel Maddow

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Randall Paul

 “I’m not afraid of girls.”

Sen. Paul

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Rachel Maddow

“Just smart girls who catch you repeatedly plagiarizing your speeches from a free Internet site, right?”
Rachel Maddow

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