Thursday, October 31, 2013

Overheard on John McCain's Cellphone:

John McCain

“All right, Lindsey. I’ve done what you asked. I’ve announced I will filibuster the confirmation of Janet Yellen as chair of the Federal Reserve until we get the answers we want on Benghazi, because despite all of the thousands of hours the government has spent on this issue, we still believe that if we keep dragging it out, voters will start to believe our lies and deceit. I think it is a big waste of time, but I am putting everything I have into your cause.”

Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona)

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Lindsey Graham

 “I knew I could count on my John-boy! Well we have to do something to change the national conversation, John. Otherwise the Grand Old Party is going down—and not in a good way. I also need to do something to try to improve my poll numbers. If I lose this job next year, I may end up performing live sex shows with donkeys and midgets just to keep a roof over my head.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)

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John McCain

“What exactly would you do with the donkeys? NEVER MIND! Jesus Christ, why did I ask that fucking question! I’ll have to use my soldering iron to burn that thought out of my brain and that hurts like hell.”
Sen. John McCain

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