Thursday, October 31, 2013

Overheard on Elmo's Cellphone:

Rafael Cruz Sr.

“President Obama should go back to Kenya! And leave us Christian Americans alone! He’s a Muslim! He hates puppies and kittens! And chocolate! And he is just like Cuban President Fidel Castro!”

Rafael Cruz Sr., father of Sen. Rafael ‘Ted’ Cruz Jr. (R-Texas), addressing TEA Party supporters. Cruz is a native Cuban, and in the 1950s, joined Fidel Castro’s guerrilla groups and supported their attempts to overthrow Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. In 1957, after being jailed for supporting Castro, Cruz Sr. secured an exit permit and fled Cuba. A former Canadian citizen, the now twice-divorced Cruz Sr. became a U.S. citizen in 2005. A born-again fundamentalist Christian since the 1970s, Cruz Sr. is one of his son’s innermost circle and closest advisers.


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"I think he looks like Elmo! Maybe he watches too much of my show! But who the fuck is Fidel Castro? Elmo no historian!"

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