Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Overheard on CNN:

Ted Nugent

“When I called President Obama a subhuman mongrel, I was just exercising my right to free speech.”

Ted Nugent, rocker/gun rights and conservative advocate/recognized clinically insane white supremacist, now on the campaign trail for Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott (R).

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Barack Obama

“No, Mr. Nugent. You were exercising your right to be an asshole. And by the way, your music sucks. Always did.”

President Barack Obama

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Ted Nugent

“How dare you say that to a white man! Who do you think you are, boy?”

Ted Nugent, who admits faking mental illness to avoid being drafted during Vietnam. At the recruiting station, Nugent proudly acknowledges defecating in his pants to demonstrate his unworthiness to serve.

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Wolf Blitzer

“You know, Mr. Nugent, you sound an awful lot like a Nazi. They used that phrase ‘subhuman mongrel’ to describe Jews, a group they believed should be eradicated from the face of the earth.”

Journalist/CNN host Wolf Blitzer, a German-born Jew whose parents are Holocaust survivors.

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Ted Nugent

“Fuck off, Mr. Fancypants Jewboy. You ain’t even from here!”

Ted Nugent, who in 1979, at age 31, unable to wed his underage girlfriend, became the girl’s legal guardian so that the relationship could continue unhindered.

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Wolf Blitzer

“Wow. Hitler much?”
 Wolf Blitzer

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