Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Overheard on Anderson Cooper's Cellphone:

Alec Baldwin

And … er … son … you’ve been a naughty boy-oyyyyyy…”

 Alec Baldwin, actor, professional bastard

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Anderson Cooper

“Hello, Baldwin. How are the anger management classes going? And what in the holy name of Jesus do you want from me now?”

Anderson Cooper, host of CNN’s ‘Anderson 360’

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Alec Baldwin

“Just your soul And … er … son …. Just your soul. Just kidding.”
Alec Baldwin

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Anderson Cooper

“No you weren’t.”
Anderson Cooper

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Alec Baldwin

“Never mind that. What are you doing allowing videotape of a trial to air on your show without bleeping out the profanities? And these were some heavy duty words, And…er…son…—‘motherfucker’ and ‘shit’. Those are two of the biggies.”
Alec Baldwin

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Anderson Cooper

“Yeah, it happened and I apologized to my viewers. Some of us have real jobs with deadlines, you know, and stuff happens.”
Anderson Cooper

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Alec Baldwin

“I’m going to make a complaint about you, And…er…son …—you know, just like the complaint you made about me ALLEGEDLY calling a photographer a cocksucking faggot, which I never even did because my mouth would never utter such a redundancy. But maybe if I’m lucky I’ll get YOU fired just to return the favor.”
Alec Baldwin

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Anderson Cooper

 “I didn’t get you fired, Alec. You did that with your own fool mouth and temper.”

Anderson Cooper

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Alec Baldwin

And … er … son …”
Alec Baldwin

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Anderson Cooper


Anderson Cooper

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Alec Baldwin

“I know which curse word is your favorite.”
Alec Baldwin

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Anderson Cooper

“You are going to say ‘cocksucker’, because I’m gay, but it’s not my favorite curse word.”
Anderson Cooper

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Alec Baldwin

“No, that’s not it. I know what is—‘motherfucker’. And…er…son … are you a motherfucker? Did you fuck your mother, Anderson? Is the trauma of that act what turned you into a cocksucking faggot?”
Alec Baldwin

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Anderson Cooper

 “You are just a despicable creature, Baldwin. And note, I didn’t say you are a despicable man. You’re not a man; you’re a creature.”

Anderson Cooper

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Alec Baldwin

“I love it when you talk dirty to me, And…er…son … C’mon now. Make that sexy breathing noise in my ear. You are such a naughty, naughty boy.”
Alec Baldwin

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