Friday, February 14, 2014

Overheard on 'Crossfire':

Sarah Elizabeth Cupp

“It is clear to America that Democrats want to focus on small ball issues … like low incomes for women … birth control for solar panels … raising the minimum wage … You know, small balls. So why are you democrats playing small ball? Is it because you have small balls? I think I just made a ... pun ... whatever that is.”

Sarah Elizabeth ‘SE’ Cupp, co-host of CNN’s ‘Crossfire’

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Mo Elleithee

“Uhm … are you retarded, C-Cupp? Do you even read the headlines?”

Mo Elleithee, communications director for the Democratic National Committee

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Sean Spicer

“We Republicans are talking the big issues; the issues that put people back to work ... like taking down Obamacare! That’ll fix the economy!”

Sean Spicer, communications director for the Republican National Committee

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Sarah Elizabeth Cupp

“You tell him, Sean! We Republicans are out there trying to change AMERICA in ways that matter! Like … violating the Constitution by not treating people equally! Like shaving ferrets! Like scraping used chewing gum off the bottoms of chairs! Like forcing women to stay pregnant!”
Sarah Elizabeth ‘SE’ Cupp

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Mo Elleithee

“C-Cupp, how on earth did you ever get your own show? Oh, wait. I just glanced down at your tits and completely understand. And wow, Sean, you are retarded too. I did not realize it before this. Does your entire fucking party ride the short bus? Or just those of you who speak in public?”

Mo Elleithee

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