Sunday, February 23, 2014

Overheard on 'Meet the Press':

David Gregory

"Why shouldn't Americans look at Vladimir Putin as an enemy? He's a cunt."

David Gregory, host of NBC's 'Meet the Press'

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"David, in some areas we can work with the Russian president and in some areas we can't. I don't know if 'enemy' is the appropriate term. We differ with President Putin in many areas, and we need to be clear about that, and we are."

Susan Rice, National Security Advisor

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David Gregory

"Wow. Don't you just have an answer for EVERYTHING! Don't you understand how Americans say enough is enough and call Putin on these things? Why don't we just go over there and kick his ass?"

David Gregory

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Susan Rice

"Uhm... we state our differences and disagreements all the time, but a cold war mentality is so out of date, David. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the millennium this morning? What the hell?"
Susan Rice

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David Gregory

"Blame it on Matt Taibbi, formerly of the Rolling Stone! He made fun of me and said I wasn't a real journalist! I'm trying my best today. I've brought my A-game, dammit! I'm trying to show everyone I have a BIG penis."

David Gregory

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"Yes, David, I can see you have! What a big boy you are!"
Susan Rice

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