Friday, February 21, 2014

Overheard Outside the Senate Bath House:

John McCain

“Oh, this president is just so motherfucking naïve about Russian President Putin and everything about Iran and Iraq, and I just can’t stand it. There’s never been a president this naïve about these things. I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more!”

Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona)

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Lindsey Graham

“There, there, now, my own little personal P-O-W. Like I told you last week, you really have to get a hold on this temper of yours or you are going to stroke out—and then who will I spend my golden years with?”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)

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John McCain

“I can’t help it, Linds! This president is going to bring about the end of the world with his naiveté!”
Sen. McCain

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Lindsey Graham

“Well, I can remember when a certain little bald war hero from Arizona was naïve, too, you know.”

Sen. Graham

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John McCain

“After Vietnam, I was never naïve, Lindsey.”
Sen. McCain

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Lindsey Graham

“Oh sure you were. Remember our first time ... on vacation together? There we were …

Sen. Graham

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John McCain

“Are you going to tell another one of those stories I don’t remember happening?”
Sen. McCain

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Lindsey Graham
 “If you don’t remember, it’s because you are a blackout drunk, Johnny. You remember all rightno one forgets their first time ... with me! So there we were … all the way up in Ogunquit, Maine, of all places. You thought we were just on a quiet little respite from the busy life in Washington, when we actually were in one of the largest gay communities in New England! I wanted you to spend some time among your own kind, Johnny, so you could relax and just be YOURSELF for once. You were so naïve. You didn't have a clue of what was really up.”
Sen. Graham

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John McCain

“Whatever you say, Lindsey. You are making this stuff up.”
Sen. McCain

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Lindsey Graham
“So … there we were at the Five-O restaurant—I ate their famous Maine lobster cakes with corn sauce while you had that herb-crusted rack of lamb. We got totally hammered over dinner, and before I knew it, you tore off your suit and tie and had a hula skirt on underneath! And you weren’t wearing any underwear! Let me tell you, honey, that was no palm tree a-swaying in the wind! And what a bunch of co-co-NUTS! You started dancing on the bar, and screaming something about being ‘one giant volcano full of molten love’ that was about to ‘erupt’. Everyone loved you!”
Sen. Graham

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John McCain

“And where did I get the goddam hula skirt from, Lindsey? You are so full of shit.”
Sen. McCain

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Lindsey Graham

“You know damn well you stole that hula skirt from a mannequin earlier in the day from that Hawaiian T-shirt store, John. It was back in your kleptomaniac days and you were stealing all sorts of stupid shit. That night, I thought you left the skirt in the room, but no, you had it on under your clothes.”
Sen. Graham

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John McCain

“That damn thing itched like a sonuvabitch too! I had an ass rash for a week afterward! ... I mean … I don’t know what you are talking about, Sen. Graham.”
Sen. McCain

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Lindsey Graham
“I knew you remembered! So ... then we go back to our room and you went on a crying jag, telling me how no one understood what it was like to be a P-O-W, and how you wanted to be the president of the nation more than anything. I let you cry it all out and then I tucked you in bed and said goodnight and headed over to the Front Porch Café and Piano Bar and started pounding down the drinkie-poos. I woke up on the beach covered in seaweed and cockleshells, with enough sand up my ass to create my own beach! I got a lot of smiles at breakfast that morning, though maybe that was on account of how much sausage I ate … either then or the night before! I can’t remember which.”

Sen. Graham

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John McCain

“That’s it. You have given me the willies. I love our little talks, Lindsey, with all of your pretend stories. It amazes me to see just how rainbow-twisted your mind is! But dammit, when the willies start, I gotta quit listening.”
Sen. McCain

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